Corrupt files
Most data recoveries in Data Lab 247 are provided for physically damaged devices, and we can confirm the integrity of almost every recovered file. With our data recovery instruments, we are always able to identify and remove from the final result all physically-corrupted files: the files with unreadable/unrecoverable sectors. Normally, those physically-damaged files are sorted out and moved to the separate location and are listed in the report as identifiable corrupt files.
However, the files that are corrupted due to human/user errors or sabotage (deleted, over-written, reformatted, damaged by virus, and so on) could not be always automatically recognized and removed from the data recovery result. In such cases, the undetectable corrupted files could not be neither recovered nor repaired - as their bodies consist of data not belonging to the original files: such as empty sectors, digital fragments belonging to other files, or randomly generated/encrypted virus-code.
To reduce the toxic load of bad files in cases that fall under DELETED RECOVERY category, we are still able to identify and remove some portion of affected files by their digital signature. Yet, there is no way to get rid of all bad files when we deal with deleted data recovery cases. For instance, when file has a correct signature, but is corrupted somewhere in the middle or else - will remain in the result as unverifiable.
Most of damages to user data happen in the period between of the first moment of data loss incident (or the moment when device starts malfunctioning) and when the failed media finally landed in the professional data recovery lab. More time the device had been played in hands of unprofessional, more data is lost or corrupted, and there is nothing we can do about it. We wish you to keep you files safe by making regular backups, and with first signs of data loss or data drive failure - immediately apply to professional data recovery service provider.