Service Levels in Data Recovery: Why to pay more for the same kind of job?
Data Lab 247 always offers much better value for money for the same service when it comes to pricing. Recovered data can be priceless, but the service will always have a certain price tag. When it comes to price comparison, Data Lab 247 is by far the most effective choice in data recovery industry, whereas other HDD-recovery providers may offer two to three times more expensive service for the same project. The illustration of this unprecedented savings and best achievable value for money for you can be clearly displayed as a graph on the picture below.
Compare Service Rates by Complexity Levels

We stick to the firm and guaranteed quote that you receive from us before we even see your device. That means the cost is to never go up regardless any complications during the recovery process, randomly and inevitably happening in extremely delicate precise drive mechanics troubleshooting and other repair-related tasks to the drive.
All these factors and business practices taken together can explain the fundamental difference between our business model and our competitors in hard drive recovery. While this simple and honest service pricing practice might seem disputable or even naive, in reality, however, it is good not only for clients, it also helping the laboratory to build competitive advantage by simplifying and streaming the whole data recovery process. Such approach allows specialists to focus entirely on data recovery. The processing time is reduced, operating expenses are decreased.
Our competitors use elaborated service level schemas. Usually, the customer is told that the specialists need to diagnose he/her drive - to provide the exact cost. The customer gives a "go" to "free diagnostic" to get the cost. Then you receive the quote – much higher of your initial expectation of what you were told. At that point: it may be too late to reject the service, as the drive is already open, time is lost or running out, and you may be anxious about other alternatives due to lack of transparency and concise information on the subject. For example, we have customers who were trapped in evaluation schemas and later turn to Data Lab 247 for affordable help. Most of them came from such well-known computer repair places as Future shop ($1500), Best Buy ($1600), Staples ($1200), Canada Computers ($1800). Luckily for those who dare to reject their quotes, Data Lab 247 successfully recovered their data at our firm and much lower rate (most jobs at $450 to $600). Unfortunately, some of those estimators open the unaware user’s drive (Canada computers / CBL), and we had to add extra tampering fee to the service cost, yet, even with the extra fee of tampered drive, the final bill was twice less! than it was quoted at the competitor's. The customers were still happy about their decision to pull the plug there and start fresh with our lab.
So, the advice is simple: be aware when selecting the service provider. Do not be lured into easy-level rate offer that will be upgraded later to the maximum level you barely able to handle. We would love to turn your uncertainty into confidence and bring that 5-level system down to firm fixed and fair price that never goes up. We guarantee that all defective and failed hard drives fall into one single category – data recovery from bad hard drive, and every case has its firm price.
A Specialist's Point of View
Hard Drive Diagnostic must be part of data recovery process rather than part of estimation.
In certain situations we don't have the luxury for second shot when immediate actions are required to intervene into malfunctioning firmware, re-program it on the fly, and stop destructive drive’s internal processes. Any delay or simple drive re-starting attempt may render the device and data to unrecoverable. Given this, we believe the firm deal before we start a real diagnostic in clean room is the only option to keep recovery process safe, uninterrupted, and unhindered by any obstacles.
Truth about Service levels, or why you pay more
The system of service levels works as some sort of complexity scale to categorize data recovery projects by damage severity to device and data. At first glance it looks and sounds good. It gives you a hope that your particular hard drive may be in relatively good condition to qualify for entry level recovery that comes with minimum price at selected place for recovery. Sales person might already tell you that the price starts only for some three hundred dollars (any digit can be told at this moment, it does not mean anything), but … they need to diagnose the device to give you the exact price.
Indeed, the failed hard drive must go directly to the clean room, because qualified data recovery expert will never try to run the drive testing or other operations before he opens it for thorough inspection. It is a standard procedure to check internal disks and heads for mechanical integrity and to prevent any further damage to magnetic surfaces with data.
Once the drive is open, it's unlikely you will switch a recovery lab. Firstly, because the device is open thus is the subject to additional fee of tampered-with device at the new vendor, and secondly for the reasons mentioned above. Anyway, by the time that free diagnostic is finalized for your case and the quote is revealed to you - most likely it'll be shockingly higher of what you were originally told. That’s because the service was upgraded to the upper complexity level. That is the way how it works when selected a wrong service provider. That is the price of "free evaluation". You get an entry level price at the start of evaluation process, and the insanely top level price at the end of it.
Straight answer to the How much question
To stop beating around the bush our laboratory has only two firm prices for each data recovery case scenario: regular and emergency. All of damaged or failed hard drives are supported equally in the lab. We are not marketeering on data loss disasters.
Rates are affordable for everyone, who values their computer data. With Data Lab 247 you will never get trapped and ripped off by mysterious service level upgrades. You pay for result and result only!
Referring to Severe Damage Levels
Make no mistake: Data Lab can handle the most severe technological problems when it comes to recover data from devices that were already been highly rated by complexity level at any other data recovery lab. This is about levels 3+ clicking / noisy hard drives, or right the opposite - silent drives (dead) when the internal disc platters are not spinning, or the drive is not recognized by the computer.
The choice who to trust is always yours. Make the right one and best of luck!
Some of the hard drives recovered in Data Lab 24/7
WD10JMVW-11S5XS0 Error: drive not ready or disk not formatted
WD Passport was accidentally dropped on the floor. Looking forward to get back all data, pictures and file archives. There is also a very quiet ticking sound from inside.
I've looked through your recovery report and I'm impressed that you appeared to have recovered everything I wanted. Very pleased with the results! I've submitted the payment; please let me know when you've received it. I look forward to regaining my data soon. I'll definitely recommend your services to people I know and will consider using you again in the future if needed. Thanks again, Jackson TTC Toronto
Seagate ST2000LM003 Problem:
Not concerned about programs, settings or OS. Mainly pictures, websites data and any other user created data. From what I can summon we had a power outage, the notebook was on, when we got the power back I hadn't noticed that computer was dead: wouldn't boot up! it turned out that hard drive wasn't spinning due to some sort of shock, I don't know much about how to repair hard drives, but it looks pretty good on outside, so most likely the problem is inside, my guess it's your area of expertise - you were recommended to me as best data recovery company in Toronto.
... nicely done! Extremely quick and scrupulous job, you must be getting this all the time, yet I do appreciate all your help in recovering and restoring my files. To reinstate all lost data by hand would've been practically impossible, most of data were just unique, like the family photos - no time in the world would restore those years of memories. Steven T. Huntsville, Ontario, Canada