Data recovery for Apple MAC Computers
- MacBook Air
- MacBook Pro
- Apple Desktop Computers: iMac, Mac Mini, and Mac Pro
Data Lab 24/7 supports all of the existing Apple-MAC computers with all versions of its operating systems for most discriminating and professional data recovery service. Data Lab team of experts would fight to the bitter end to save the last bit of lost user information from the affected hard drive. MAC users are provided with the same high-quality service, as PC users.
Most, if not all, hard-drive related crashes on MAC computes have the same issues as any other digital storage device, therefore technically speaking the identical or similar problem solving methods can be applied to retrieve digital information from the malfunctioning drive. Starting from the clean environment inside-drive inspection and data-safe mechanical tests and repairs, the data restoration process continues in the non-stop data-scan with the following in-depth structural analysis of recovered digital image. Built specifically for Mac data recovery purposes by dedicated Mac developers, only the best native Mac recovery applications are used for data analysis and qualitative data restoration. Our team is fully prepared for most difficult and unusual cases. Thousands of successfully done jobs have taught us not to give up and continue to fight for every user file until it's recovered, no matter what.

You may help to expedite the data restoration project if you timely deliver failed MAC drive or the whole computer to the lab and answer to few technical questions in the service form.
The main question we are interested is what and where your critical data is located to recover first. The simple answer like: "I need my pictures and documents" - will certainly help, yet more detailed answer would be preferable.
The advanced MAC users probably know the data organization on MAC-formatted drive. Unlike the external drive where you place your files and folders in your own order, the internal MAC-drives have well-defined data organization.
By default (and in most cases) the user data located only in few folders on the drive, on the main partition. The key root folder we start looking for data is USERS. It is the place for profiles of all users of MAC computer. Normally, most important files are located inside the user profile locate in subfolders – such as DOCUMENTS.
Some of the hard drives recovered in Data Lab 24/7
Failed 500GB HGST Travelstar Z5K500 2.5-inch 7mm 5400RPM hard drive repair required
I can hear a distinctive clicking sound coming from my 13-inch IMac. Whenever I turn it on, it says no bootable device. And the hard drive seems to have problem starting up when it makes frequent clicking noise. I need all my pictures in Windows 7 system and all the stuff in Mac system.
All requested files were successfully retrieved. Irvin
WD10JPVX from Lenovo IBM Hard disk I/O error
Cause of failure was some water spilled on the laptop while running. The liquid shorted the HDD circuitry and the motor. Drive dos not power-on or spin.
Thanks for your hard work and especially the option of the disc re-image. That could prove to be the life saver. Gilbert Tampa, FL USA
Dead Seagate Barracuda ST1000DM003 external drive
The hard drive was inserted inside of LaCie's external case. The disk was on when the power surge happened, after that it could not be recognized by computer. In the computer shop the hard drive was removed from its external case and tested with the internal damaged. They also recommended the recovery service. I don't need the hard drive I just need the data from it, there are tons of family photos and home movies, all other files are less important, but would be nice to have back.
It's so great to have all our things back! It means so much to us. I'll recommend your data service to anyone who's got in the same trouble. It was very smooth process and we're very much happy to deal with Data Lab professional data recovery team. Our sincere regards. Dave B. Chicago Illinois, United States