Do you offer Data Recovery for Laptop, Notebook, or External Mobile Disk?
Yes, we do. The development of high-capacity laptop hard disks has enabled us to establish the advanced techniques in data recovery technology. As these drives are very small in size to comparison to desktop drives, the internal mechanics are miniature versions of their desktop counterparts, and so special tooling, equipment and handling procedures are required to facilitate the recovery of the data from these drives.
Typical problems that we have seen with laptop computers are due to mechanical or electronic failure, where either the drive does not spin at all, or if it does, then quiet but persistent 'ticking' or 'crunching' noises can be heard during powering up - this particular problem is mainly due to an internal head amplifier failure or, more seriously, a head crash or misalignment problem - the majority of which are recoverable.
Data recovery cost for laptop user is priced the same as for regular desktop computer as long as they belong to the same storage size/capacity range. And despite the miniature mechanics, we have an exceptionally high recovery rate for those 2.5″, 1.8″, and even 1″ (Microdrive) disks. We recover data for all of those crashed Acer, Asus, Apple, Dell, IBM, Toshiba, Hewlett Packard, Sony, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Lenovo, Samsung and all others types of mobile computers and external disks.
We carry on the data recovery for all laptops equipped with Solid-state (SSD) drives and electromechanical hard drives (HDD/SSHD). If your laptop has crashed, please contact us for our specialized laptop data recovery service.

Repaired in our Data Lab
Seagate Backup Plus external - Professional hard drive recovery required
Unable to access the drive. I was using Rebit software to back up word files and emails to this external hard drive.
My PC began crashing and I soon noticed I could not access the external hard drive.
This is great news. Thanks so much. I will make the payment shortly.
I assume you will ship my laptop and your new drive all together. Right?
Again thanks very much for retrieving what you could. Jeff Ch., Cincinnati Ohio
How to fix a crashed hard drive. Seagate ST1000LM024 HN-M101MBB
I lost access to data after spilled some coke on laptop. Firstly, it froze off and I rebooted it, then it gave an error message 'no drive found' - no it's completely silenced, maybe it's not even spinning? The hard drive was partitioned in 3 partitions. The data I need is on C, E. Let me know if you think you can help.
I received the drive-clone; put it in laptop it worked!!! I thought it'd be stupid to make a clone, as I wasn't sure laptop was 100% fictional after that spilled drink, but it worked and it saved me tons of unneeded work reinstalling all that software. You guys rock! I thought I'd let you know ))). Cris A. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States