When is the Right Time to apply for Data Recovery Service?
If you lost access to a damaged hard drive or a computer that contains the important data, there is no room for errors. Here is one simple rule to keep data safe in such situation.
When it comes to choose the place where to take it to for a repair - you had better avoid hasty decision to rush for help to nearest computer repair shop (only because it's located in the convenient proximity of your whereabouts) or to a place promising you the cheapest solution. Otherwise, prepare to face the possibility that not only could the data not be recovered in such places, but also the digital device could be rendered beyond recoverable state. By then it will be too late to help, even if you later change your mind and try to select the best professional experts in the world.
A failed data storage device is nothing like a broken car or washing machine; it is unique and irreplaceable in case something was done wrong in wrong place. By the time you realize that there is more to the situation than you anticipated from the start, and finally made it to the pro data recovery lab, there is a chance that your device had gone permanently dead from all previous tries.
Truth to be told, the successful result is totally depends on the person who gets the first diagnostic and first recovery attempt. Therefore, the choice of the company that will do the rescue project diligently and professionally is the very much responsible decision, the decision is either lose everything or safely get back your files, whether it's family photos or accounting records database for a big scale organization.
Providing the professional data recovery service for more than two decades we have built enormous practical experience by working with the different types of Hard Drives, RAID systems, flash memories and wildly offer our data recovery services across Canada and the United States.

The unpleasant truth is that digital media fail, regardless its brand, age, or circumstances. Not if, but when that happens, to distinguish the right time frame for the professional help is really up to you. And only you, as the owner of your data need to draw the question about how important the inaccessible data is, and whether or not you have the luxury for trial and error, i.e. experimenting on with the failed media. It's always better if you avoid any DIY recovery or even take it down to local computer repair shops, as neither solution can offer a comprehensive data extracting service on the required level. From our point of view - do not waste time, money and a pretty good chance of permanent data loss with dilettantes. Always shop for the professional help, by inquiring about the level of complexity the recovery company offers, if they do not stretch their recovery field further than entry level data extraction, keep on searching for a full-extent Professional Data Recovery with a clean room repair capability. The result in the end is all about the right decision you've made in the beginning. Here, at DataLab247, we offer you the best possible solution - an excellent full-scale service along with the fair cost.
Projects Accomplished
WD30EZRX Faulty hard drive repair requested
A disk read error occurred during the start up. I don't think that it is an O.S. problem, but a hard drive problem. I searched into Google and tried many solutions, and it still isn't working. I configured bios option to default. I even checked my RAM (test pass OK). The SATA data signal and power cables are also connected well.
The problem is that it shows A disk read error occurred press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart during start up, and after pressing ctrl+alt+del my WD drive would work fine at times, then at times crash. I would restart, get a Disk Read Error, then restart again and it would work for a few minutes. On each crash I kept this restarting process going, until the HDD crashed 100% and I lost everything. Now I have a bad or possibly dead drive. Few technicians tried to diagnose failure, and the last one referred to your lab.
Most files were checked for integrity, so far no corruption found in saved documents and excel spreadsheets. Kim from Green Pick HQ, NY
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